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How to create a solid remote Culture

Workplace culture and ethics define one’s vision and values about their business/Company. It resonates with the goals and mission which you tend to achieve in the long run. As the work dynamics are evolving in the current day and age, it has become pertinent to consider modifying your workplace policies and aligning them with the best possible sources. 

The past two years have opened many new avenues for the smooth workflow, keeping in mind the worldwide Covid-19 situation. This pandemic has promoted the concept of cooperating “Remote Work Culture,” which was previously only implemented by a few organizations worldwide.  

This new remote work ethic initially seemed challenging because of more minor face-to-face interactions, no daily meetings, and a lack of an immediate action plan. Moreover, in a company like ours, which deals in staff augmentation worldwide, time zone difference also became a significant drawback.

Need of the hour is to create a solid remote culture that can overcome all the major obstacles and provide a friendly working environment for productive and transparent workflow. 

Remote Culture

As the digital work culture has taken the lead, connecting resources and employees in the vast work-frame can be tedious, but here are a few essential points that need to be part of your framework for creating a solid and influential remote work culture. 

Transcending physical boundaries and keeping a reliable connection among your company’s people requires implementing the right policies and practices. Starting from communicating your organizational goals, creating a productive environment, scheduling regular virtual meetings, using digital tools, and formulating a remote work policy. Moreover, always make your team feel appreciated and motivated by taking in their feedback and constructing it for future work.

Congenial Environment

Having all high-end resources and not a healthy and supportive work environment will never give the outcome you have aimed for. Whether you have the world’s best equipment, Software, or tools, your resources/employees are not passionate and motivated to work for your progress. Nothing can fall into place. This can be achieved by having open two-way communication where every team member has the freedom to bring their ideas and concerns to the table. Everything in the world can be sorted and achieved if initially it is well communicated and understood. No efforts will bear the results if not shared and appropriately channelized. Trusting your employees and giving them the feeling of mutual trust can take the company’s success to another level.  Avoid micromanaging and let your team work according to their comfort, and the main concern should be the output or meeting the work deadline rather than keeping your team online all the time.

Create Remote Work Policy

Before outsourcing a team for a project or hiring employees for remote work, you need to create a detailed policy that can clarify what your team expects from them and what they will say yes for. Sharing a practical, a bit flexible, and well-knitted remote work policy is very important. It can save you and your team from a lot of ambiguities and confusion throughout the process. Address what you expect from your employees about their work hours, online availability, frequent visits to the office, remote work schedule, time zone difference, and other areas of concern. This policy will lead to smoother and strong work culture. 

Virtual Regular Meetings

No physical interaction with your team can make you restless and perplexed about work updates and how your team is going about their work. This can be sorted by organizing virtual meetings regularly. Video conferencing using different Apps, such as Google Hangouts, Zoom can facilitate you to be in sync with your team weekly. Sharing of meeting content, PPTs through Microsoft Teams, Team Viewer can also add to the efficacy of your work.

Using Right Tools

Digital medium of work has become very easy and systemic by using the right software tools which help in managing, streamlining, coordinating different agendas and aspects related to your work. 

The most common and effective digital platform for business collaborations that can organize and scrutinize all work is Slack. This software is one in all setup that can solve many queries you have for managing your remote work style. 


Creating a digital platform where everyone can connect virtually, collaborate on different projects, and connect collectively is very important, as remote work is mostly agile. Therefore, the above-said elements should be considered before shifting to remote culture from traditional office work.

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    Alexander Morgan


    CEO & Software Architect | Tech Speaker | Forbes business promises of LATAM

    Alex is a successful risk-taker. he uses unique ways to determine what the issue needs and has the capability of tweaking her development methods accordingly. As a pragmatic leader and a realist, he can grasp ideas in a holistic manner and still pay attention to minor details. Alex is known as diligent and personable – two qualities that define him completely. As a creative thinker who possesses a can-do attitude.


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